Sunday, October 2, 2011

Finallly Starting

I  first wanted to loc my hair in 2004, but after finding out how much it was going to cost to actually start I promptly put a relaxer  back in.

Eventually I stopped relaxing my hair (2010) in hopes that I would, I don't know... I guess I really just wanted a change.
Relaxer free for six or so months as of September 2011.
And change I did.  I did the "Big Chop" in September 2010.
Big Chop - September 2011
 That was fun for a while, but when it got about an two inches long, I was just frustrated.  I didn't care for my mini-fro and couldn't think of how to manage it.  So, I decided to start locking. 

First set of twists - January 2011
June 2011 - Water still makes them fat.
So I used that to my advantage and turned it into a twisted 'fro.
Time to re-contain them - July 2011
The hard part about locking though was no one was able to help me.  Yeah, I have a guy who does it for me, but that gets to be expensive.  And besides, I like being able to do my own hair.  When I did searches for advice online, I couldn't find any thing that really spoke to me.  So I decided I would speak to the world.  Follow me as I chart my journey - I'm about 8.5 months in.