Friday, June 28, 2013

Shame on Me/Plans for the Summer

So, two weeks ago I was really flipping out on my scalp.  No matter what I put on it, it flaked up.  Then I got an email about psoriasis.  Duh!  Why did I not think it was a flare up?

Just a sample of what was going on. 
On Sunday I sprayed a 50-50 solution of ACV and H2O onto my scalp, put on a shower cap, and went to work out.

About four hours later, I washed it out and headed to Nia's for her to style it.

Yes, placing this one last was intentional.

I'm super happy with how it came out and that I didn't have to do it.  I'm going on a break for the summer which means no retwisting if I can help it.  The next time I intend on doing it or getting it done will be after Labor Day for this wedding.  We'll see what happens.

What are your plans for the summer?