Friday, June 28, 2013

Shame on Me/Plans for the Summer

So, two weeks ago I was really flipping out on my scalp.  No matter what I put on it, it flaked up.  Then I got an email about psoriasis.  Duh!  Why did I not think it was a flare up?

Just a sample of what was going on. 
On Sunday I sprayed a 50-50 solution of ACV and H2O onto my scalp, put on a shower cap, and went to work out.

About four hours later, I washed it out and headed to Nia's for her to style it.

Yes, placing this one last was intentional.

I'm super happy with how it came out and that I didn't have to do it.  I'm going on a break for the summer which means no retwisting if I can help it.  The next time I intend on doing it or getting it done will be after Labor Day for this wedding.  We'll see what happens.

What are your plans for the summer?


  1. that style locs amazing! I love how thick your locs have become! Hope the scalp issue is under control now and I'm looking forward to an update from you :)

  2. Oh this would be a great style to protect the ends of my locs at the back of my head!

    1. Try it and let me know if it helps.

    2. So... I tried to do this style myself. After a few (?) hours of struggling with trying to cornrow backwards, I ended up taking the few braids I did down and doing my go-to cornrows from from to back. *sigh* On that note, I haven't been to my loctician's in a while. I'm due for an appointment and I'll show her this style.

    3. Arrrg. Well, you tried. I'm sure your loctician will do a great job.
