Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ok, Let's Talk

Sorry I've been a bit scattered lately.  As I mentioned in October, I've got a lot going on.  Since my last for real update, I turned in my resignation and moved to Puerto Rico. Crazy right? And why haven't I posted? I didn't get real internet until last Friday.  That's right.  Here are the details:

  • October to mid-December - Shutting down my life in Maryland.  Wrapping up work.  Packing my life for the last six years.  Putting the rest on Craigslist. Guess I should have posted some of the stuff on here.  Oh well.
  • December 12 - Last day at work
  • December 13 and 14 - Clean apartment and get everything out.  Thank God for my mother who came down a week earlier to help us get started.
  • December 15 - Fly to Antigua, the land of my birth.  The ticket for this was purchased way back in May, so there was no way I was not going.  That was nice and relaxing, but my only internet was my phone for most of that time, so I had to use the hotspot sparingly.
  • December 30 - Arrive in Puerto Rico.  And guess what?  The internet isn't working.  Apparently, it stopped working earlier in the month and they never came to fix it.  The company, Claro, holders of the worst customer service title, said someone would contact us that week.
  • January 3 - We go into the customer service center and are told that we should here from them on the 7th or 8th
  • January 8 - I'm in tears over the lack of internet and my growing seclusion.  I've been sitting at home by myself all this time for fear that they would come when I am not there.  Did I tell you that my husband is not working on the island anymore so I'm here alone?  No, of course not.  When would I have done that.  The husband makes an appointment with a different company for a Friday installation
  • January 10 - I have internet!

So actually, I'm actually getting better given the lag time in my posting.

Anyway that pesky "Plug in" message has reared its head.  I really should keep the plug nearby.

Next time, beeswax, I promise.

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