Saturday, February 2, 2013

2 Years Loc'd

My locs turned two in Mexico.  It was interesting.  Last year, I went and got it done.  This year what was the point?  I pretty much just did a regular styling:
2 years
As pleased as I was with the growth in length, I couldn't help notice... "bald" patch isn't looking any better.  In the  Natural Hair Challenge 2014 newsletter for February, they talked about thinning hairlines.  One recommendation was "combine a few drops of either peppermint oil, tea tree oil, sage essential oil or pumpkin seed oil with a 2 tablespoons of  olive oil or whipped Shea butter and Vitamin E.  Use this on your hairline everyday for several months." Since I have some of these ingredients, I'm going to try this and hope it works out better than the Jamaican Black Castor Oil which caused build up on my scalp and made it gross.  

So when I first got my locs, they looked like this:

A year later:

Two years later:

I just need to be patient and eventually, my hair will cover my boobs.

1 comment:

  1. haha boob length locs - don't we all. You're clearly going to get there at this rate. Great photos and congratulations on year 2 :))
