Website: You can also find them on
About: A group of friends who got together to do hair. You can get the official information on their website.
Why I went: There was a
LivingSocial deal I couldn't pass up - $37 for loc maintenance and light style.
Making the Appointment: I did it over the phone, but you can also book online.
My Experience With the Venue: The studio is a house that was converted. No big surprises. Adequate street parking. I'm not a big fan of B'more, but my car and I both survived the neighborhood. They keep to door locked so they need to let you in and out.
My Experience With the Stylist: Jennie, the owner, greeted me and had me fill out what was essentially an intake form. It asked how often wash my hair, how much water I drink, what products I use and various other items. Then she sat with me and asked a few more questions. Like most other people, she said that washing my hair weekly was too much and probably the cause of my dry scalp - but it itches!! She told me they used - I can't remember the name, but I know it when I see it. The initials are T.W. She also told me to be mindful of getting information from YouTube since it's not always accurate. I don't think she believed me when I said I don't look at YouTube that often. Who has the time for a 12 minute video?
The Process: After the intake process, Jennie shampooed my hair - she usually does three rounds, but only did two since I washed my hair less than a week prior. She styled it asking if it was too tight at various intervals, and letting it out when I said yes. The final product:
Time to Pay: All I had to do was tip. She was able to look up my voucher since my phone was taking its time.
Overall Take: The other stylist were friendly and funny. It was like hanging out with new found friends. The service was professional.
Would I go back? Yes
Would I request the same stylist? No, not because I didn't like Jennie, but I felt that I would be comfortable with whoever I ended up with.
Would I recommend them to others? Yep. P.S. Jennie said another deal would be coming out in October, so be on the lookout.