Sunday, October 14, 2012

Deep Cleansing

For the past few weeks, well maybe it's just been two, my scalp has not been happy.  It's been flaking up and quite unpleasant.  Last week, I did an ACV rinse, without much relief.  This week I decided to add a baking soda cleanse to the ACV rinse.

I made an ACV and water mixture (50/50) poured over my scalp.  Then I saw with a shower cap on for about two  hours. Next, I filled kitchen sink with warm water.  Poured baking soda in my hands and rubbed it into my scalp like shampoo.  I then used the water in the sink to rinse out my hair:
First baking soda rinse
Then I let that water out and rinsed it out some more:

Second post baking soda rinse

Third post baking soda rinse

Next using my homemade shampoo base I did two lathers.  Or maybe it was three.  Here's what came out:

First rinse - you can really see the dirt when I take the flash off.

Second rinse
Third rinse
Then I retwisted with coconut oil.  Yay for clean hair.