Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Buttafly's Loc and Dread Jaloe

Buttafly Jonez is a member of the Locs N Dreads Facebook group that I'm a part of. She make hair and beauty products as well as loc jewelry on her website.  For her birthday she posted that she was giving away a free gift with any purchase.  Seeing as how I had been browsing the website for the past few months, I thought it was about time I made a purchase.

I selected some loc jewelry and saw that if I spent at least $10, I could get 3 free samples. Yes!  I selected her Jaloe in Tropical Spice scent.  I also got lip butta and Suga Suga Lip Scrub. When it arrived, my husband wanted to eat the paper inside.  Everything smelt so good - not the jewelry though, that didn't smell like anything.  

I've used the Jaloe the last two times I retwisted and have been pleased.  It's not heavy, but by my hair gets some shine.  

As for the lip butta and scrub, I have yet to try the butta (I'm a slacker), but the scrub tastes great.  I haven't used it again since the first time, but I have no issues with it.

As for the jewelry, I love it (picture to come)!  And me free gift was more jewelry.  I'll be rocking for my birthday.

Side note - You can also purchase samples: 5 for $7 or 10 for $12.  Can't beat that. Considering I've used my sample twice and still have more left in the jar, it was a great investment.

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