Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's Been a Long Time

The end of the year is so crazy.  I've been trying to take pictures to post, but haven't found the time to actually publish them.  Today is my first day of vacation and so here is a look at what I've been up to:

End of October :

I went to New York and tried the work of Shannan at Pat's Extreme Hair Design.  I was pleased with my after...

...until I started to see the gel flaking by day two.  I will not be returning.  The service was good, but I'm over the raggedy shop look.  They need to do better.

Then in November I tried some some curls in my dry hair using Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion that I bought for $1 or $2 dollars.  After a few days, they fell and I had to get creative

I tried some curls again without the lotion, but didn't really care for the end product:

In the beginning of December I decided to try a braidout:

Almost done...

Yesterday, I finally broke out the cinnamon bar shampoo I mentioned a few months ago.  Love, Jasmine's site is down it seems, but the Facebook page is active.  There was no scent to this bar, but it may all be gone since it's been a year since my first post about it - 12 is a few.  I ended up doing three shampoos, but I put it coconut oil a few days before and Jamaican Black Castor Oil that morning in hopes of retaining some moisture.  It seemed to work.

December 2012

December 2011
 What a difference a year makes?  And it's exactly a year based on the original review post, but who knows how long it took for me to actually publish it.

I followed the wash with a quick shealoe I made with 3 tbs shea butter, 2 tbs coconut butter, 2 tbs aloe vera gel, and a few each drops of lavender and rosemary essential oils.  It wasn't really quick to make, but it was short notice.   I didn't even wait for it to great creamy.  I did my hair while it was runny and finished whipping it when I was done.  I had a plane to catch.

Now we are up to date.  How have you been?